The Seed Saving Network

North Georgia Candy Roaster - Squash

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Cucurbita maxima

Story: We first grew this squash in 2023, the vines grew and grew and grew to about 6m long! Producing numerous fruits along the way. 2023 was the year of the slug and many fruits were munched in their infancy but we suspect due to the sheer number of fruits these pumpkins produce, we still harvested plenty to eat and save seed from just two plants. The fruits are long and pastel orange, much like banana squash and grow absolutely huge. They can be harvested young when about 30cm long or left to grow to 60cm!

When to sow: Sow indoors in March-May in small pots, 1.5cm deep. Once they have around 5/6 leaves, harden off outside before planting out in June. 

Requirements: Squashes love soil which is rich in organic matter, mix in some compost and they'll thank you!

Harvesting: Anytime from July until the first frost! 

Seed Saved: Omved Gardens 

Year Saved: 2023

Please remember, if you’re an individual grower you can order up to 3 packets of seeds. If you order more than this, you will receive just three packs to begin with. This is to ensure we get plenty of data in return and to keep our stocks sustainable for years to come.* 

*Community groups and Experienced Growers can order larger quantities, please email us if this is the case.

If an item is out of stock we will send a close alternative.