The Seed Saving Network

Glass Gem - Grain Corn

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Zea Mais

StoryThis seed was gifted to us by Andre from Waltham place Farm. We have not grown it yet so can’t remark much on its flavour but it has the most beautiful bright orange kernels. It is a grain/gem corn, not sweet corn. We would love a seed guardian to grow it out so we can make it available to other SSN members. Please see the notes on the other corn varieties to see its growing requirements for saving seed.

When to sow: April – June  indoors

Requirements: nutrient-rich soil, regular watering, and a lot of sun.

When to harvest seed: July-Oct

Need to isolate: Yes, corn cross-pollinates easily. Ideally only this variety of corn is grown in an area

Seed Grown: Andre from Waltham place Farm

Seed harvested: 2021

Please remember, if you’re an individual grower you can order up to 3 packets of seeds. If you order more than this, you will receive just three packs to begin with. This is to ensure we get plenty of data in return and to keep our stocks sustainable for years to come.* 

*Community groups and Experienced Growers can order larger quantities, please email us if this is the case.

If an item is out of stock we will send a close alternative.