The Seed Saving Network

Yard Long Bean - Climbing bean

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Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis 

This climbing bean was brought to us by Randa Toko. It originally comes from South East Asia. As such it prefers warmer climates, and we recommend growing in a protected environment. It is a climbing bean that grows around 6 feet. It makes beautiful pink double flowers that mature into twin beans. The beans grow to 40 cm long!! They taste nutty and sweet, with a juicy flesh and thin skin, in their raw form . We recommend eating them as a podded bean: raw or cooked, much like a string bean. The dried bean is rather small.

When to sow: April - May indoor, May – June direct

Requirements: nutrient-rich soil, regular watering, and a lot of sun.

When to harvest seed: July - Oct. When beans are fully mature and pods turn brown. In southern England, typically July/later summer.

Need to isolate: No 

Seed Grown: Omved Gardens 

Seed harvested: 2023